As a user of the Metamask platform, you have probably encountered problems with smart contracts and your interaction with your wallet. A common problem is when the contract is stuck in an infinite loop or does not perform correctly due to an incorrect contract or incorrect use.
In this article, we will deepen the issuance of a Metamask user experiencing a contract arrested with the Matic Balance (Matic).
The question
When the contract _forwardfunds
is executed, it tries to recover Blockchain’s Matic tokens. However, there is an underlying problem that prevents the contract from removing the balance from Matic successfully.
Function _FORWARDFUNDS () Public payable {
Requires (msg.sender == Address (this), “only the contract can call this function”);
Requires (bytes (maricalance). Length> 0, “no marato balance in the contract”);
// rest of the logic of the contract …
The question is on the following lines:
- The
_forwardfunds function
requires MSG.Sender == Address (this), which means it is called only by the current instance of intelligent contract. However, when trying to recover Blockchain's Matic tokens, he must call the contract directly (
address (this)). This discrepancy causes the contract to be stuck in an infinite loop.
- The_Forwardfunds’ function also requires
bytes (maticbalance) .LENGTH> 0
, which checks if there are any matic tokens in the contract. Otherwise, the function returns without executing more logical.
The solution
To correct this problem, you need to modify the contract to properly turn on the contract directly and check the existence of Matic balance before trying to recover it from Blockchain.
Function _FORWARDFUNDS () Public payable {
Requires (msg.sender == Address (this), “only the contract can call this function”);
// Check if there are any MATIC tokens in the contract
if (maricalance> 0) {
// Recover Blockchain’s matic tokens
_Getmaticsfromblockchain (maticbalance);
} other {
// deals with the case where no marato balance is found
// For example, you can cause an error or return a specific value
to throw;
// Implements the logic to recover Blockchain’s matic tokens
// This may involve calling external contracts or interacting with the blockchain network
Function _GetMaticsfromBlockchain (Unt256 MaticaMount) {{
// Implements the logic to recover Blockchain’s matic tokens
By making these changes, you can correctly check and interact with the balance of your contract, solving the arrested problem.
The issuance of a contract arrested with the MATIC balance may arise due to wrong contracts or incorrect use. By understanding the underlying problem and implementing corrections, you can solve this problem and successfully perform smart contracts using Metamask. Remember to always follow the best practices for the development and contract test to ensure a quiet experience for users and sustainable contracts.
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